Thursday, June 5, 2008

Life's simple things

Thursday, June 5, 2008

In recent weeks, I have experienced other's sorrows and hardships and my natural man truly wanted to deliver them on a natural level. I wanted to offer shelter to a family in the church who I didn't know just to be a blessing to them, or travel 100's of miles to help someone pack there stuff up for storage as they were looking at eviction after losing a job and saw no way out. I wanted to rescue a elderly lady from being mistreated by her adult children but I just had to go to God for all of these circumstances. Last winter after ministering to my family out of state, I was communing with Lord and I wanted to know what and where and how He wanted me to go forward, and believe I experienced Him speaking to me and letting me know that I had been obedient to Him by ministering reconciliation and planting seeds and now He wanted to know "will you trust me to be their Savior?". The next day I went home with much joy because my answer is "yes, I'll trust you Lord, I'll trust you Lord". Beloved our burdens become easier and yokes lighter when we give "the stuff" of this life over to Him.

The people who influence my life, my Bishop, friends and family have been experiencing intercession on a whole different plane in the Now season of the moment. Yesterday we saw prayers from different world leaders posted on as Bishop Swilley's spirit is admonishing us to pray. Prayer is such beautiful simple thing we have that we can do always, easily and effortlessly and can be the difference that makes the difference to our loved ones, our family, our neighbors, our communities and the world. So, beloved we all have the priviledge to pray. I heard someone say, I can pray but I am not call to intercession. Well, anytime you stand in the gap between God and someone else you are making intercession. Over the next few days or weeks, (until the Holy Spirit) releases me, I will be posting some articles on intercession.

I am part of a weekly intercessory pray group and our minister is anointed to teach prayer and intercession. Therefore I will be sharing some spiritual keys to intercession for those who want to take your pray life to another place in Christ. Pray is simple and important and will yield the eternal fruit of righteousness.

There's a motivational writer who has a great things to speak about pertaining to life's surprises. This excerpt was taken from Ralph Marston.

Life's surprises - Sometimes it is useful, and even joyous, to find what you are not looking for.

Seek with diligence, yet do not become so singularly focused on the objective that you miss out on all the other goodness that surrounds you and comes your way.

Plan carefully, and then be willing to occasionally diverge from those plans.

There can be great value in what you were not expecting.

Give priority and effort to building knowledge and wisdom. At the same time, appreciate the positive value that resides in uncertainty and in those things you cannot know.

Much of the essence of beauty is in the way it surprises you. Life is continually renewed and made fresh precisely because you do not know when the next gust of wind will arrive.

Open yourself to life's surprises.
Though a few will bring pain, others will bring joys you never knew you were missing.

You are never too old to find delight in something new and unexpected.

And with each dawning day a fresh supply arrives.

Below please find scriptures for intercessory pray you can do in your home with your family and friends every week for the purpose of seeing the kingdom come, global peace, help for our communities and local body!

Good News for my Neighbor
Healing, Restoration, and Enrichment Outreach
Developed By Pastor Mercy Oduah - Inspired by the Holy Spriit
Order of Prayer
I. Opening Prayer (5minutes)
  • Thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6)
  • Ask for God's presence (Exodus 33:14)
  • Invite the Holy Spirit in the help (Roman 8:26B)
  • Ask for forgiveness of sins (Psalms 66:8)
  • Plead the blood of Jesus (Hebrews 12:24)
  • Take authority over all hinderances (James 4:7)

II. Praise and Worship Time (Hebrews 13:15, 2Chronicles 20:22) (15 minutes)

III. Position Yourself by Faith (Revelation 12:11)

  • A. Delcare His Words (Jeremiah 20:9)
  • B. Stand upon His words and promises (luke 10:19)
  • C. Declare the victory of the cross (1 John 3:8)
  • D. Declare the lordship of Jesus (John 14:14)

IV. Begin Intercession

  • A. Every prayer point msut be supported by the scripture (Psalm 199:105)
  • B. Speak out; it is better (Eclesiastes 3:76)
  • C. pray with authority, faith in God, and expectation

V. Close with a moment of silence (Psalm 62:5, John 10.27)

Remember, it's all God! I would love your feedback! for personal emails, Peace and blessings

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