Thursday, December 4, 2008

We are the Word Made Flesh

On yesterday, I had the privilege of attending Body Builders at theChurch in the Now in Conyers Ga. and it was absolutely phenomenal. Somany truths and profound thoughts was shared with a great bunch ofordained pastors, that Bishop Jim Earl Swilley ministers to once per month.
I am going to share some thoughts deposited by the Holy Spirit gaveplace before us like a banquet fit for queens and kings. Now, this isrich and so I want your "careful attention" and your feedback.

Pr. Jon Scott shared about the stretching that goes forward in childbirth in the natural. And he stated that "stretching is necessary forenlargement". Now that will preach. Some of my fellow/fella members ofCITN know that Pr. Debye has spoken about the difference between stressand stretch. Instead of saying we are stressed out, we need to say thatGod is stretching us.
*Isaiah 54:2
*Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them *stretch* forth the curtainsof thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thystakes; translated from King James Version.

We are the redeemed of the Lord and we have the say so, therefore whatwas talked about was how traditional denomonational churches (ove r20,000 religions world wide) are drying up and they are desiring thetrue love being preached instead as usual religious rhetoric.
Power of our words
Bishop mentioned that we really can have what we say and that our lifeis a direct result over words we have spoken over our lives.
Bishop read from John 1 from John in the Now:
Chapter 1
In the beginning, or in the eternal "now" before the creation of time,was the Word...the Logos...the Christ. And that timeless Christ/Word existed with God and, in fact, that Word actually was God, Himself.

  1. He was originally omnipresent with God.
  2. All things int he realm of space andtime came into existence through the specific expression of that "now" Word, and without the expression of that Word was not even one thingmade tht has come into being int he material universe.
  3. In His being washoused the source of life, and that life was the light that illuminatesall of humanity.
  4. And the light shines on in the darkness, for darknesshas never been able to absorbed the light, nor will it ever be able to overpower it or put it out.
  5. There was a man who was God-sent, and hisname was John.
  6. John came to bear witness of the light that everyone, everywhere, might believe in it through him.
  7. He was not the Light, but came that he might verify the truth that is in the Light.
  8. And there itwas, the true Light, coming in perfection to illuminate every individual on the planet.
  9. He came into the world that He, Himself, had created, buthat same world did not recognize Him, initially.
  10. He appeared to thatwhich already belonged to Him; He entered into His own domain and creation. But that creation did not welcome or receive Him.
  11. Yet, to allwho did receive and welcome Him by the believing in the power of Hisname, He granted the authority to walk in the full reality that theywere the children of God...

Here is where I believe Bishop stopped reading to make his point which was if we could sum up anyone's life itwould be in two or three sentences.

He went on to say that each one has a thesis or a theme to our life.

For example; They may say of me Yvonne is love (I pray they can say that at the end of my course) or she communicated the oracles of God in a concise accurate way or she was an awesome communicator who loved Godand people, for example.

Therefore because we are the children of God we have been granted the authority to walk in the full reality that they were the children of God.

Bishop went on to explain that because of the authority and dominionwe have WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A MANIFESTATION OF WHAT WE SAY!
In this discourse Bishop Swilley explained that because we see through our eyes of authority and our eyes of dominion/the Thing changes. Is that an awesome thought or what.

Over the next couple of days or week, I will post some of thoughts that the H.S. and Bishop Jim Earl Swilley shared with the mature body, but I can't do this without you. I need your input.



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