Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Conversation with Rebecca

Today, I was sitting in the Heritage Room at Newton County Library in Covington and I meta kindred spirit named Rebecca. She is volunteering at the library because "after all, she said...it's my community too."

As in the word community, there are two words represented. One being commune and the other being unity.


Karl said...

Yes, I love all our communities: friends, family, and church as I'm sure there are others.
And there is a wonderful flow that can be had in all.

God bless you Yvonne!

Izumi/JOY said...

You wrote in a note: "The Word works!" Rhema to my spirit - wonder if you knew when you typed that.

While we're asleep, distracted, discouraged, in pain, in a daze, in a funk, out of touch, "out to lunch", the Word is still working.

Amazing! Thanks!

Yve said...

thanks for responding Karl and Joy. This was my first post in 6 months and OMG, the typos. I was trying to encourage a volunteer I met in our local library. Rebecca was very sweet and she is a writer, so I was encouraging her to use her creativity to create her own blog.

Good news is that it helped me as well.

More to come...hope you too are enjoying this day set outside to honor our fallen soldiers who gave their lives to defend our nation.

love, Yve