Yesterday, I sent this email to a couple of my sisters and brothers in the Lord and as I re-read this morning, I decided to post this to my blogspot because I believe the information is priceless. I appreciate your feedback!
Good Day!
I have posted several articles on water and proper ph balance in our bodies, subsequently I have researched and studied to bring you sound and scientific information for your edification. This subject has truly intrigued me for several reasons.
For one reason, the Lord has used me in the area of healing. Whenever I pray for individuals, the Holy Spirit seems to usually prompt me to pray for whatever disease on the cellular level. Disease cannot live in alkaline body, even diseases such as cancer and the like. Our body is made up of water, our cells, our bones, our blood and our organs. So, it bears witness with my spirit that the water we drink is paramount to a healthy body.
On this past Saturday, I was invited by a very nice lady in Florida, to attend a seminar on Kangen (back to origin) water, which can positively effect many health issues as substantiated by naturopath doctors, scientific data and backed up with tremendous testimonies from people whose lives have been changed by drinking. I spoke to a woman, named Barbara who was wheel-chair bound with crippling arthritis who is now walking with no cane, tremendous weight lost, and now has a residual income with approximately $16,000 per month additional income. So, for those of you who are interested in your health or that of your family or friends or neighbors, this is product to really consider.
In addition some of you may be looking for an additional stream of revenue, this may be something you have been praying for! One way or the other, your life will be changed by changing your water!
I am presently being processed as a distributor of this product that has been in exisitence in Japan for over 30 years but is still new to the United States (around 2 years).
You are among one of the first to be offered this phenomenal opportunity and I would love your feedback! I will send you additional information in response to your interest. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email. Thank you for your careful consideration!
FYI - Did you know that huge soft drink distributors who bottle water are selling you tap water? It is true and sad. If tested with ph drops, it will prove to be acid! So when you buy many bottled waters, you are buying a bottle of acidic water. Just thought I would give you something to think about...
Vaughn Evan
Health and Wellness Advocate
1- Increase Hydration
The process of ionization reduces the size of the water molecular cluster by two-thirds. The cluster of water molecules takes on a hexagonal shape when ionized. Smaller, hexagonal water clusters are more able to penetrate the cellular membranes, enhancing tissue repair and waste removal. The amount of hexagonal water produced depends on the surface area of the electrolysis plates and the electrical power devoted to ionization.
2- Balance Body
pH Hexagonal Kangen water raises tap water pH by ionizing or splitting the water molecule (H2O) resulting in the ions H+ (hydrogen with a positive electrical charge), and OH- (hydroxyl with a negative electrical charge), as well as ionic alkaline minerals. This abundance of OH- ions increases the bicarbonate buffers in the blood, balancing the body and neutralizing and excreting acids and toxins.
3- Increase Blood Oxygenation
Strong, fresh hexagonal Kangen water contains an abundance of hydroxyl ions (OH-) which donate free electrons to unstable oxygen free radicals, resulting in stable oxygen molecules. According to experts, drinking hexagonal Kangen water on a regular basis will increase the amount I of dissolved oxygen in the blood.'6 Stable oxygen (a nonre-active oxygen molecule with evenly paired electrons - no electrical charge) provides us with mental alertness and is invigorating and energizing to the body.
4- Neutralize Free Radicals
According to Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi, Director of The I Water Institute in Tokyo, Japan, because active oxygen is a free radical and can damage normal tissue, it is essential to remove it or neutralize it before it can cause damage to healthy tissue. "If we can find an effective method to block the oxidation of healthy tissue by active oxygen, then we can attempt to prevent disease,"
Dr. Hayashi explains.10 Hexagonal Kangen water, with an abundance of hydroxyl ions (OH-), provides extra electrons that neutralize destructive free radicals circulating throughout the body. Hexagonal Kangen water carries a high negative ORP (Oxidation-Reduction Potential) when it is first produced, making it a potent anti-oxidant. "When taken internally, the reduced ionized water with its redox potential, or ORP, of -250 to -350 mV readily donates its electrons to oddball oxygen radicals and blocks the interaction of the active oxygen with normal molecules," Dr. Hayashi adds.
Hexagonal Water
Biological organisms prefer hexagonal water, which is comprised of six molecules of water in a ring-shaped cluster. In nature, it is found in water from melting snow or ice.
It can be produced by ionization of water containing certain alkaline minerals like calcium.
pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. As the pH scale is logarithmic, it does not start at zero. Thus the most acidic of liquids encountered can have a pH as low as 2.5. Hexagonal Kangen drinking water typically has pH of 8 to 11.5, which is alkaline.
Free Radicals
Free radicals are atoms or molecules which contain unpaired electrons. Active oxygen is a free radical because it is missing one electron. Free radicals indiscriminately steal electrons from other atoms, converting them into free radicals, which can cause substantial biological damage, leading to aging and illness.
When the oxygen molecule loses an electron, it becomes a free radical and begins to search for any molecule that might have an extra electron. Oxidation occurs when an electron is taken from a molecule by oxygen. Oxidation is how our bodies age, resulting in wrinkles, degeneration of organs, bones, muscles, tendons and cellular membranes.
Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP)ORP is a measure of anti-oxidant power and is measured in millivolts (mV). It measures the presence of free electrons. A negative ORP means that a substance can donate free electrons, making it an antioxidant. A positive ORP means that a substance is taking electrons, making it a free radical or pro-oxidant.
Peace and blessings
Moment of Weakness
11 years ago
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