Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Perfect Peace

Bishop Jim Earl Swilley/today's installment of A Year in the Now, you can purchase His book on line. Go to our church's webpage at www.churchinthenow.org and get fresh rhema every day of the year.

May 27

"You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You." (Isaiah 26:3)

Today I will live in the now! I will live in the now because my mind is fixed on the God of all peace, and His tranquility and serenity are flowing through me like a cool stream in a green meadow on a lazy summer afternoon. Regardless of the turmoil around me today, the secret place of the Most High will be the eye of the storm for me as I walk in the peace that passes understanding.

Today I will let the peace of God's Word wash away the worry that wastes my time, and keeps me from walking in a way that is worthy of me, as I welcome its wonderful wealth of wisdom into my world!

Today I will enjoy an undisturbed and composed existence, refusing to become unnecessarily agitated over trivial problems and inconveniences in my day.
I will "let not my heart be troubled," but will choose the path of peace without frustration and aggravation, remaining calm and collected in Christ.

Today I will find some quiet time for myself, removing myself from the stress of striving in the flesh. The Spirit will be a dove for me as I cast all of my care upon Him, laboring to enter into His rest without pressure.
Today I will be a peacemaker, not just a peacekeeper.
I will proactively insist on living in an environment of harmony — doing whatever is necessary to produce peace in my relationships — because where envy and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work (James 3:16).

Today I will practice the presence of God by praise, worship and meditation.

Today I will walk in my Kingdom rights to peace (along with righteousness and joy in the Holy Ghost), and following that peace in my spirit will guide me into the perfect will of God when I need to make decisions. Today I will settle down, inwardly, and trust God with my life completely. Today I will just chill, and today I will live in the now!

Father, help me to keep my mind stayed on You today. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Bishop Jim Earl Swilley for an on time Word and that you Vaughn for being obedient to the Spirit of God with your educational and inspiring blog.


vaughn said...

Welcome Noondaas, make yourself at home!

The blog was inspired by the Holy Spirit and Bishop confirmed that Yes, I can attitude to me!

A Year in the Now has been a tremendous blessing to me over the last 4 years, just overflowing with revelation and truth.

Thanks for visiting and remember!
It's all God!