Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ionization of Water

Ionization of Water

Water is our best defense against disease of every kind. Sixty percent or more of all chronic disease would be significantly reduced if people would simply keep themselves properly hydrated.

Ionize means to gain or lose an electron. Essentially, the ionization process robs an electron from one molecule and donates, or transfers, it to another molecule. Both Alkaline and Acid Ionized Water have extraordinary properties and benefits; however, their respective uses could not be more different. We consume Alkaline Ionized Water and use the Acid Ionized Water on the outside of our bodies for acne, cuts, scrapes and rashes of all kinds. It kills bacteria on contact and encourages plant growth.

The centerpiece of Alkaline Ionized Water are its antioxidant properties. It is miraculous that normal tap water can be instantly transformed into a strong antioxidant. Alkaline Ionized Water has two antioxidant qualities; its negative charge and the presence of hydroxyl ions which are free radical scavengers.

The body is starved for electrons and Alkaline Ionized Water contains an abundance of them, which nullify free radicals in the body.
Alkaline Ionized Water is an extremely effective antioxidant because it is a liquid that has a small grouping of water molecule clusters and thus is more easily absorbed into the body where it can be of immediate use. Drinking Alkaline Ionized Water gives you energy through better hydration and alkalization of the body and by providing the body with oxygen.

Because of the predominance of hydroxyl ions in Alkaline Ionized Water, the water becomes alkaline, meaning it has a high pH. The pH level can be adjusted with a water ionizer between 7.5 and 9.9, which is the highest pH that it should be consumed.

All disease thrives in an acid environment in the body and will not flourish or thrive in an alkaline environment. If we acidify our bodies through poor diet we become vulnerable to any disease that invades the body. The more acid our body is, the more susceptible we become to disease.

Ionized Water is sometimes referred to as micro-cluster water because of its small molecular grouping. Water molecules typically group in clusters of 10 or more. Ionized Water molecule clusters group together into six water molecules, thus they have been reduced in size, which is the most natural state for water to exist in. Ionization changes conventional water from an irregular, bulky shape to a hexagonal shape that saturates body tissue much more efficiently. These smaller six-sided clusters are extremely penetrating and hydrating. As it hydrates body tissue, Ionized Water pushes out all the things that don't belong in the body, which are commonly referred to as toxins. Therefore, Ionized Water is extremely detoxifying, which is why people who are quite toxic must start drinking Ionized Water slowly so they do not detoxify too quickly.

Ionized Water is best consumed straight out of the tap because it is most effective when it is fresh. Ionized Water should become a part of everyone's lifestyle if they wish to be healthy. It is the best substance we can possibly consume because there is nothing healthier for the body than water and there is no better water than Ionized Water

For more information or to try the water Contact:

Yvonne at 404-587-4639 or email at vaughevan@gmail.com


Anonymous said...

Hey Vaughn,
I have been looking over your blog, its great, very interesting stuff. I have never heard of most of it. the article on the ionized water wow! I need to check that out farther.

Anyway if you didn’t read my post to you about my blog it is http://not1lost.blogspot.com/ and my main web site is www.completerestorationinchrist.org

I will send this same message to you in an email just in case you miss it.


vaughn said...

Good Morning Rev. Dennis, I am so glad to hear from you this morning. No I missed your comment to me. I will check that out as soon as I finish with this. I will send you more information.

The essence of what I want to happen with my blog is to educate the body of Christ and everyone about wellness and health issues in regards to alternative health. God has given us a phenomenal body that is able to heal itself if given the proper nutrition, water, rest,exercise, etc, albeit doctors and some pharmacueticals have their place.

I would never pre-suppose to tell someone not to go to a doctor or take someone off medicine, that would be error. But I am convinced that with proper care and nutrition, getting our bodies to the proper ph balance...with alkaline water we would all feel a lot better.

In April, I used Dr. Gary Tunsky's article speaking about healing from the cellular level. It was long so you will see three separate installments.

Anyway, I am pretty jazzed about this blog and believe that God prompted me to start it. Many of followers are calling me and emailing me on my personal email and I am really believing for this to be a interactive blog that is a blessing not just from me but others like Elle in South Carolina. She has posted some good stuff here.

Also, I am featuring a ministry a week here from our local community. I put the church in the now anniversary on last week however Bishop is doing such an excellent job with Blog in the Now keeping us informed, I just send everyone there. I am not even sure he has even looked at this blog yet but I know he will one day.

Again, it was a tremendous blessing to finally meet you and I am sure...it will be a divine connection!

Peace and blessings,

vaughn said...

Good Morning Rev. Dennis, I am so glad to hear from you this morning. No I missed your comment to me. I will check that out as soon as I finish with this. I will send you more information.

The essence of what I want to happen with my blog is to educate the body of Christ and everyone about wellness and health issues in regards to alternative health. God has given us a phenomenal body that is able to heal itself if given the proper nutrition, water, rest,exercise, etc, albeit doctors and some pharmacueticals have their place.

I would never pre-suppose to tell someone not to go to a doctor or take someone off medicine, that would be error. But I am convinced that with proper care and nutrition, getting our bodies to the proper ph balance...with alkaline water we would all feel a lot better.

In April, I used Dr. Gary Tunsky's article speaking about healing from the cellular level. It was long so you will see three separate installments.

Anyway, I am pretty jazzed about this blog and believe that God prompted me to start it. Many of followers are calling me and emailing me on my personal email and I am really believing for this to be a interactive blog that is a blessing not just from me but others like Elle in South Carolina. She has posted some good stuff here.

Also, I am featuring a ministry a week here from our local community. I put the church in the now anniversary on last week however Bishop is doing such an excellent job with Blog in the Now keeping us informed, I just send everyone there. I am not even sure he has even looked at this blog yet but I know he will one day.

Again, it was a tremendous blessing to finally meet you and I am sure...it will be a divine connection!

Peace and blessings,