Sunday, May 25, 2008

So a man thinks

In the last week, the Holy Spirit has been speaking to me and sometimes through me about our thoughts. Our thoughts and memories sometimes keeps us stagnate and from moving! We sing at the church that we are not looking back, but in Him we are moving forward! From Genesis to Revelation the Holy Spirit moves. We are to keep it moving for after all it is in Him that we move, breath and have our being. So a man thinketh in his heart, so is he?

Question, do you know who you are today? Are you who God says you are or are you who other people say you are? Do you have a history of mistreatment or abuse or persecution or any other thought that is outside of the knowledge of God? I have had conversations this past week and I find that many people are defined by their jobs, their positions, their careers, their bank account, their degrees. But what happens when you lose that job or your account dwindles down to nothing because of it or you can't pay that car note or you have to change careers?(the average person today has 5 careers in one lifetime, so if you have one or two careers, you are unusual). What happens when you lose that very thing you loved so much or that persons you love goes away, God wants to know that you still trust him! Do you trust him with your finances, with your career with your home and your stuff? Who do you say you are? More importantly who does God say you are?

I am declaring to you no matter what has happened or is happening that God love is unfailing and you are the apple of His eye. Throughout the old testament, you will hear it penned repeatedly, God's unfailing love endures forever. When you think about the prodigal son and we are all prodigal, if you really get real with yourself, The father saw him a way off (he was looking for him the entire time) and ran to him and put a ring on his finger and a robe on his back and restored him and celebrated him. We need to have a knowing that God's love is forever and we are commanded by Jesus to love him and our neighbors as we love ourselves. Well, honestly I don't believe you can love God or your neighbor yourself without really loving yourself.

The world labels us according to it's standards of success but behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! Behold the lamb of God, Behold the lamb, Behold....

In Matt 12:20, the Matthew Henry commentaries explains how the Lord deals with us...That he should carry on his undertaking without severity and rigour (v. 20). A bruised reed shall he not break. Some understand this of his patience in bearing with the wicked; he could as easily have broken these Pharisees as a bruised reed, and have quenched them as soon as smoking flax; but he will not do it till the judgment-day, when all his enemies shall be made his footstool. Others rather understand it of his power and grace in bearing up the weak. In general, the design of his gospel is to establish such a method of salvation as encourages sincerity, though there be much infirmity; it does not insist upon a sinless obedience, but accepts an upright, willing mind. As to particular persons, that follow Christ in meekness, and in fear, and in much trembling, observe, [1.] How their case is here described--they are like a bruised reed, and smoking flax. Young beginners in religion are weak as a bruised reed, and their weakness offensive like smoking flax; some little life they have, but it is like that of a bruised reed; some little heat, but like that of smoking flax. Christ's disciples were as yet but weak, and many are so that have a place in his family. The grace and goodness in them are as a bruised reed, the corruption and badness in them are as smoking flax, as the wick of a candle when it is put out and is yet smoking. [2.] What is the compassion of our Lord Jesus toward them? He will not discourage them, much less reject them or cast them off; the reed that is bruised shall not be broken and trodden down, but shall be supported, and made as strong as a cedar or flourishing palm-tree. The candle newly lighted, though it only smokes and does not flame, shall not be blown out, but blown up. The day of small things is the day of precious things, and therefore he will not despise it, but make it the day of great things, Zech. iv. 10. Note, Our Lord Jesus deals very tenderly with those who have true grace, though they be weak in it, Isa. xl. 11; Heb. v. 2. He remembers not only that we are dust, but that we are flesh.

Remember, it is beyond being all Good! No matter what it is "it is all God".

In the book of Jeremiah, God says, "I know the plans I have towards you, plan to give you hope and a future and it is for your good (welfare).

God's thoughts toward you are perfect, what is your thoughts today! I welcome your feedback.

Peace and blessings. VaughnEvan

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