Thursday, April 17, 2008

Choose Life today!

Did you know that today is the sum total of our decisions we made yesterday! This is a theme I hear coming up in many conversations that I have been having in the last couple of weeks. God is confirming his word by His spirit to the body.

Paul said “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” remembering that Jesus said He has given us kingdom keys. We already have everything we need, it is up to us to develop our relationship with Him, to realize what He has set before us.

After, Jesus was on earth a short time, he stated that he had to go to the father, so that the Holy Spirit would come.

Everything we need today, the Holy Spirit has already given us the answer because He is the answer. I believe because the Holy Spirit lives in us, we have access to the answer to all of our concerns and problems for ourselves and the many situations around us.

The Lord himself has already put the answer in us, so we just have to get quiet and restful within our spirit man, so we can hear that still small voice. So in pondering your decisions today, have you put God first in submission to His Lordship over you and really sought His face?

I know God wants to have a relationship today with me and all of His creation and is concerned about every aspect of our lives, so I have to run to the mercy seat my situation today, as the Lord has put me in a place of total dependency on Him. It is not always the easiest place to be, but His word says the just shall live by Faith. I find that when I seek His face and not His hand, all the provisions flow supernaturally and I believe that the heart of God is that He deeply desires to have fellowship with His creation. He says if the we don't praise Him the rocks will cry out and praise Him.

What small thing can you do today to tap into the reservoir of living water that is already in you which has been in you since the beginning of foundation of this world?

Sometimes we have to take rest room breaks at work and put our hands up and say, thank you Holy Spirit for your presence or Help me Holy Spirit. We need a word from Him always. Often when I am praying I turn the CD's and radio off and just fellowship with God. He speaks to us if we would listen. You know I always hear folks talking about the still small voice and so for over 2 decades I have been studying other ways God speaks. He speaks through natural circumstances, through other people, He speaks prophetically, in dark places, in wilderness experiences, through open and closed doors and yes through the small still voice. Recently, I realize that if I would harken unto His voice, I would fare a lot better in this life. I realize sometimes after the fact, oh, God said that or God said this. I heard it but it is almost at the speed of light and because my mind is moving all over the place I almost missed God. God is so loving that he always comes back and redeems me, sometimes it is simply with a lesson well learned.

Man or woman can not live by bread alone, but every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.

Since this past Sunday, Bishop Swilley has been ministering on the Holy Spirit and on Sunday we experienced the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and people were filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking of tongues in some instances and empowerment of the Holy Ghost on many different levels. So, we are in a season of Pentecost and there is a great expectancy of the manifestation of God’s presence.

Last night at Wednesday night service Bishop focused on Rev. 19:11 which states that the spirit of prophesy gives a testimony of Jesus. Bishop made the analogy of the human body in that it is complex in nature but all of the organs are there and functioning properly in order for us to be healthy and functional in the earth. He went on to talk about the colon and the heart and truthfully he didn’t really want to see them in surgery or see his own blood, but he just knew the parts of him were doing exactly what God intended. He made the example of the Holy Spirit being in us,and the Holy Spirit doing exactly what it was meant to do in order for us to effective in this earth. It is not by might or by power but by God's spirit, says the Lord.

We have a paraclyte, a helper, a comforter, a counselor, a navigator, a friend, a small still voice that is the Holy Spirit on the inside of us. Beloved, do you know the Holy Spirit to walk with you in the cool of the day or in the heat of the battle?

I believe, we must get acquainted with the person in God known as the eternal spirit, the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit in a very real way. There are points in our week or our life and for me throughout the day, where I have to whisper, Holy Spirit please help me, now. You know what, He does. The word says if we draw nigh to him He will draw nigh to us which means he comes close to those who seek after Him.

This next paragraph is taken from Bishop’s prophetic Year in the Now for today. April 17;
'Today I will direct all of my efforts toward helping to make the kingdoms of this world the Kingdoms of our God and of His Christ. The Holy Spirit will be my guide and instructor in following Jesus as my example of authority, and righteous self-confidence. I will turn negative situations around for the good in His Name, refusing to be victimized in any way, because I am more than a conqueror!"

On my blog the Garden of Yve, my play list is playing Stevie Wonder, Pastime Paradise, where he lists that most people spend most of the life in the past dealing with issues of yesterday. Then of course, He offers what it means to spend their lives in the Future Paradise, but really in order for “US” (unified synergy) to make a true impact on this world we have to stay in the Now.

What are you doing today to change your mind (repentance) to bring yourself into the Now?

Brian Tracey says “You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you."

In Bishop’s book 20/20 Vision the XIX Affirmation is Today I will put closure to the pain of my past by being aware of how blessed I am today. (This is a great book with deep insights about “Changing your life by changing the way you see things”).

Faith Works is the ministry of the week in Newton County: is a ministry that receives donations from 30 local churches and ministries in the Newton County community located right off of Washington Street on Turner Lake Road. Faith Works helps with rental and utility assistance to the Counties residents. The phone numbers is 770-784-1884 and there are beautiful volunteers who will assist you with kindness and God’s Love.

One last nugget, when we pray, we must believe that we receive when we pray! So we receive twice, once when we first pray and then when we receive.

In Matthews Gospel, Jesus teaching on prayer ended with "For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever, Amen" (Matt.6"13 NKJV.

Do you have any testimonies today that you can share about your relationship with the Holy Spirit?

Peace and blessings...

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