As promised last week, this is part two of the information at our Ph balance for the health of our bodies by Dr. Gary Tunsky. Many of you are (peeking) reading at this blog however it is for the body about alternative health issues, herbs, vitamins, spiritual topics and community news. When you partake, I would appreciate your feedback. I hope you are enjoying my playlist, I enjoyed putting it together. There is a plethora of music here but very different than Bishop's Swilley, although I enjoy his as well!
Have a great Friday night, I am off to intercessory prayer and bible study!
Behold the Lamb of God...
It’s not the bacteria or the viruses themselves that produce the disease, it’s the chemical by-products and constituents of these microorganisms enacting upon the unbalanced, malfunctioning cell metabolism of the human body that in actuality produce disease. If the body’s cellular metabolism and pH is perfectly balanced or poised, it is susceptible to no illness or disease.
So in other words, disease associated microorganisms do not originally produce a disease condition any more than a vulture produces a dead rabbit or rats produce garbage.
The diseased acidic cellular environment was created by a toxic diet, toxic environmental exposures and a toxic lifestyle supporting the morbid changes of germs to bacteria, bacteria to viruses, viruses to fungal forms and fungal forms to cancer cells in the body. This classical error of referring to symptoms as the disease is perpetrated to this day in all medical schools trickled down from the professors (whose bread is buttered by the pharmaceutical industry), to all med students with the intent of brainwashing the young, up and coming physicians to a kill mode mind-set and to be legal script writers and butchers who perform unnecessary surgical procedures.
The reason why all physicians are kept in the dark by medical schools teaching Pasteur’s germ theory is that if they are taught the truth that it’s the inner condition of the patient (i.e. oxygen depravation, nutritional deficiencies, acidic pH, built up toxins in and around the cells, poor circulation, toxic emotions, etc.), not the germs that creates the growth medium for bacteria, viruses, parasites or cancer cell growth, the majority of doctors would throw away their script pad and surgical knife and focus their treatment protocols on reestablishing a healthy cellular environment, which keeps the germs, bacteria and viruses in check.
By killing the viruses, bacteria or cancer cells with their destructive weapons of war, they trigger microzyma evolution that makes the enemy pathogens stronger by creating resistant strains reaping more disease in the future. Nobody correlates their newly formed disease a year later with the past drug therapy. The result if the truth was told, a multi-billion dollar sick care industry that has been meticulously built by the global elite for a century would be exposed and crumble like the Babylonian empire of old. There is no medical doctrine so potentially dangerous as a partial truth implemented as whole truth.
Because of political reasons, Antoine Bechamp’s name and research findings along with the germ theory controversy have been omitted from history, medical and biological books, even encyclopedias. It seems that the historical scientific assassination of Antoine Bechamp resulted in medical science’s monopolization of pharmaceuticals and vaccine research. This has meant untold misery for the human race. It’s ironic that Pasteur himself was reported to have admitted on his deathbed that Claude Bernard was right — the microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything, but would never give credit for Bechamp’s discoveries. Bechamp’s discovery in his early research, that all living things contain tiny granules, which he named microzyma’s, was the most profound discovery of the 20th century
Moment of Weakness
11 years ago
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