Today is April 9, 2008 in the Atlanta area and I have to tell you the weather is absolutely gorgeous. The birds are chirping and the trees are in full bloom and cherry blossoms, dogwoods, and azaleas are radiant with color. Oh, how I wish you could experience what I see in the natural.
Sidebar: Just a few comments about commenting..the comments problem is solved...when you get to the end of an article, just click on comments and you place your comment. Please take a few minutes to add your response or ask health (alternative herb and vitamin) questions or ask for resources in the local community or give a shout out to a ministry or non-profit who's making the difference in their communty. Now back the flow of the day...
God's unfailing love endures forever...when you think about how whole and complete God is, it blows one's mind. He thought about all the colors and the different clouds and rain and animal life and insects and people from every nation, every continent, every country and gave us this world to take dominion over. He put it all together after 6 days of creation (one day with the Lord is like a thousand elsewhere) and He said it was good! And it is good!
A couple of years ago, I returned to NY to attend my knephew's wedding after I had lived in Atlanta about 6 years by then and totally forgot how cold the north can be. So, we my daughter and I had lots of bright colors and sandals and well pedicured nails only to find that every one was wearing black and blue, except us. This is the his 4th anniversary this week and so I am reminded of that event. Even the toddlers and babies had navy blue jackets and black down jackets on and it was amazing to me how different regions have a totally different mindset, dress code, paradigm and how strange they believe "outsiders" are. Needless to say, everyone looked at us as though we just got off the proverbial boat because, well, we looked like tourist. Man, did we freeze.
Tht was a good lesson, never forget where you came from but embrace where you are now. Always, remember who you are and where you came from. Our history speaks to our direction or moving forward. As Bishop Swilley always says, we must honor the past, create the future and live in the now.
There is something so awesome about the uniqueness of embracing NOW. MLK, Jr. said in his speech, I have a dream that "we must understand the fierce urgency of now".
So, it is in the natural, it is the spirit first. Every day I get up and I submit the day to the Lord and ask for direction and you know when you are out there walking on the water, following Jesus, the flow can be kind of rocky and sometimes the flow is over the rapids but nevertheless I know I am still in His will even through the storms of this life. God's will is not our wants or our ways or our will. We just have to pray for God's will to be our will and enjoy the nowness of the moment.
I have such an excitement for the body of Christ (I am included in that and maybe it is because I go to the cooless church on the planet or maybe it is because I realize just how cool Jesus is or how good God is, but something good is right there in that cloud right above your finger tips, if you dare to worship and praise through it all. I just know there is a shifting in the spirit, I feel this very strong. The shift is for our good as we experience the love of God in such a real and tangible way. Bishop Swilley posted a blog today pertaining to Mahatma Gandhi not wanting to be a part of the Christian religion because he stated that many of us as Christians are not like Jesus Christ. Oh, how right he was. We have to change this paradigm. It is up to you and it is up to me.
I was probably one those who was bought to Jesus kicking and screaming to salvation because His name and face was so marred by traditional religion, at least in my family and earlier experiences. Then one day while I was sitting in McDonalds' on Fordham Road in the Bronx, some Christian brothers presented Jesus to me in such a sweet and gentle way. That was almost 30 years ago, I couldn't believe it. Actually, my best friend and I went along with it as a joke, we didn't initially take these guys seriously. We were urban cool teenagers and we thought, well they are Jesus freaks. Those guys in their simple, uncomplicated way lead us to the true and living God. Our lives changed right there on the spot.
We can have an altar call if necessary but we really need is an example walking around living the love of God to the world. What we all need is relationship, not religion. WE need relationship with God and with each other. That is the body of Christ being functional in the earth.
I just couldn't believe that experience, those "Jesus freaks" truly re-presented the real Jesus. This was the same Jesus that my aunts and uncles would scream whenever there was an accident, a tragedy or a death. They would moan and groan and cry and walk around screaming Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Now I know He saves us to the uttermost and He keeps on saving us but they were a little over the top with this hysteria. Now, that I understand better, they were only depicting the Jesus they saw on the fans at church on in a funeral, they really didn't know him. The real Jesus doesn't come with shame and guilt and fear and I frankly was scared of him and His name, until I met the real Jesus!
I thought, this man is God, I mean was God, still is God. This person who is both the Son of God and Son of Man, part of the trinity - all three and yet one (what a mystery). Jesus, a friend,,,Jesus a servant,,,Jesus a brother,,,a shepherd, the chief cornerstone that the builders rejected, Jesus the Son, Jesus the King. savior...who takes away the sins of the world...Jesus who took away my sins...Jesus who takes away my sins (NOW)...Jesus the lamb of God.
This simple conversation with these brothers over a cup of hot chocolate in McDonalds blessed multitudes of people by the simplicity of that seed, because after that time I began to re-present Jesus to my college professors and friends, my family and co-workers, prisoners, teenagers, neighbors and now the world through the internet. Did you know that one conversation can save so many, God's love is amazing.
We must show the world that we are His disciples by the love we have one for another. It is not enough any longer to just get mine or for you to just get yours. My grind, my home, my four and no more. That is error, we are the body of Christ, we are His hands and feet in the earth. How can we say we love God who we can not see and yet we hate our brother. Jesus said we are murderers if we hate our brothers or sisters.
People will use the word "Christian" and "Christianity" and "Ministry" and "Bible" as a license to mistreat, to manipulate and deceive and hurt others but beloved, Jesus is love, this ought not be.
His whole point of coming to earth was loving us right through the cruel cross and bloody crucifixation, conquering death after three days with all power in His hands. Jesus taught us how to live by example. WE do have hope for today because He lives.
What have you done in the earth today or this week to show true love to your neighbor or co-worker or roommate or relative that depicts the love of Christ today? It is not always easy to love but it is necessary to see God's kingdom come.
I believe Jesus is coming back when the restoration of all things are completed. WE must be restored to our momma and them and everyone else who we need to forgive who has hurt us. We have to forgive sins and not remit sins. WE want to release the beauty of love, the fruits of the spirits; joy, goodness, mercy, kindness, peace, faith, love, charity, humility and meekness into our day just as God releases the blooms, the bird chirps, children's laughter, the blue clouds, the sun and gentle breeze because after all we are made in His image and we are creators that the Creator created!
What have you created that is good today for the world? for your home? for your community? Have you shown some love today? Is there someone you can be a blessing to today? And this is a tough one - do you need to forgive someone today? Is there something on your mind today that you need to put to death at the foot of the cross? I welcome your feedback...walk in the spirit today...walk in love...You are blessed to be a blessings! You can do it.
Building Blocks to a Healthy Life
POINTS TO PONDER: Insomnia affects many people, robbing them of sleep-and int he long run, good heatlh. Some cause of insomnia are stress, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, caffeine, and medications. Be careful not to eat sugary or high-procesed foods before bedtime because they may cause low blood sugar, which makes it difficult for you to sleep.
Action Step: Discover which factors are affecting yoru sleep(stress, pain, caffeine, a snoring spouse, a bad matress or pillow, a noisy encironment, a warm bedrom, etc.) by Don Colbert Md.
Herb for insomnia: Valerian Root
Let me know if this building block or action step helps you in any way, I welcome your feedback!
In His Love,
Moment of Weakness
11 years ago
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