This the day the Lord has made, I will be glad and rejoice in it...Everyday is God's day and everyday we need to find joy inside of the day because we are re - joy..cing. Joy is from the inside out. The seen things are temporal but the unseen things are eternal. God is eternal. Every day we wake up, if we would go through the list of what is good and perfect and of good report and of virtue and true and lovely, we began to see God's kingdom to us. My pray for you today beloved, is to "Open my eyes of my understanding so I can see you". Let us see God high and lifted up, so we can see what God is trying to show us - through His eyes. We bless you today, Lord and thank you for your vision.Today is April 1st and I researched in part on the internet what the Wikipedia had to say about April fools day. Here is a blurb...April Fools' Day or All Fools' Day, though not a holiday in its own right, is a notable day celebrated in many countries on April 1. The day is marked by the commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, enemies and neighbors, or sending them on fools' errands, the aim of which is to embarrass the gullible.I stopped there because clearly God's people have access to the throne of Grace, the Mercy Seat, we have the mind of Christ, we have access to the blood of Jesus, Jesus is making intercession for us at the right hand of the father and we have the body of Christ, this is God’s day a not a fool’s day! So we are not to gullible or vulnerable or a victim or depressed or confused or tricked.
We are God's hands and feet in the earth so that means we have dominion and as ambassadors, we are re-presenting the Christ to lost world. When we walk into a dark situation, it may be your job, your community or a store or any place we are the light and we are the salt. The Creator created creators so let us go through this day, creating life and bring light and salting our sphere of influence. There is not one conversation I have had in the past week that didn't involve one or more parties speaking about servitude. I just spoke to a woman who heads the only homeless shelter in Covington and she said "Honey, I am a servant...nothing more". Rev. Jimmy Swilley spoke to us on Sunday about our place as servants in the body of Christ. I believe that God is saying to His people, now is the time for you to get
Moment of Weakness
11 years ago