Good Morning fellow/fella bloggers
I know many of you are trying to comment and I am in the process of working this kink out. Please forgive this mild inconvenience. In the meantime, my email address is on the top , if you will, pleae leave a comment on the email, please! I will cut and paste it, apparently, I can comment just fine(smile). There will be no wine before it's time...thanks for you patience. I know the Lord has some good things to say through me...I appreciate you and your support in this endeavor.
Peace, Vaughn
Moment of Weakness
11 years ago
Oh, well apparently I fixed it, I was hoping it would be retroactive for the couple of posts that did not have the comment button enabled.
Going forward, please leave your comments here and just refer to the day and post you desire to comment on!
This is a great example of how we can misunderstand what "happen" stances is showing us. Everyday for the past week I look at this blog and my friends keep saying oh, it is great, a much needer ministry and I thought, "how come no one is taking the time to comment". Now, I am hitting my head and saying - "I should've had a V8". The funny thing about it is I set it up, looking back to day one and two with the comments enabled and I have no idea how it fell off. It is so easy to misunderstand or misread other's intentions. I ask for forgiveness from my cyber-buds and buddettes.
Well, since we are on the love tip, let us be mindful of 1st Corinthians 13 today that says love bears all things.
love, vaughevan
I just wanted to let you know that I finally got around to reading emails today and went to your new site...Awesome information! I have been having some difficulty lately with my digestive system and feel "stopped up". I tried the usual suppositories and even an enema (ugh) but still am awful bloated and constipated. As a coffee drinker, I don't drink enough water and know that is part of my problem. I almost bought one of those total body cleansers the other day while at WalMart but "chickened out" becuase I have hearings this week and was worried about how it might affect me...I *do* believe your words of servatude and the practical health article on the intestines was timely for me. Thank you for being such a blessing. God's wonderful guidance even in the practical things continues to amaze me.
I am planning to go to WV this Friday to see Christina and my son Ken and spend a few days visiting. I am excited about all that God is doing, has done and is continuing to do in their lives and mine. He alone will perfect those things concerning Christina, Kenny, my grandchildren, my husband, His children, you, your children, and yes me. God calls those things that aren't as though they were and so do I. I have to start seeing things as God sees things. Patience is a virtue and most times it is hard to wait on the Lord and I want to try to figure out a plan of rescue, but He knows the beginning and the end. So I look to Him and rest.
Your site is really a good outlet for helping those who need to share their struggles, triumphs, testimonies, etc. I am believing that God is going to use this blog as a channel for healing to many people (emotional, spiritual and physical). I beleive this will be a safe place where people can share and experience the love of God without judgment. Keep up the good work!
Daughter of Zion
Dear Daughter of Zion: Thank you so much for your comment, I am as rule pretty computer literate but I promise you I have worked endlessly on this comment section and thought the tweaks were complete pertaining to the comment. Pressing on, thank you for that prophetic word of the purpose of this blog. That is it - transparency, God is calling us to be transparant as He was to His disciples and in so doing so, God's kingdom is coming. Almost every sentence or testimony God is using for His people to bring Him glory. What an opportunity - I am honored to be in His service and that is real.
In the upcoming weeks, there will be articles on the immunity system, the respiratory system and I really need to address allergies since everything is green outside (here in Atlanta, for those of you who are not peaches).
Because of the work completed on calvary, we know have the tools we need to do greater things. With the advent of the internet and cell phones and other technology we are living in the greatest time ever. This is that...I believe that the sons and daughters shall prophesy and will do mighty works, in Jesus name.
I edited a bit to protect your identity but yes you should be cleansing. First I want to make sure you are nutritionally sound by a great vitamin (not the stuff from the big chain Supermarkets or drug stores) for women. And some herbs for cleansing the colon would be cascara sagrada and psyllium husks however I will engage in more detail with you personally on your email. Remember the colon should be cleansed at least every 6 months, no longer than a year. But many things are contigent upon your health. I know I don't have to make this disclaimer with you, but you are aware that I am not telling you any of this in opposition to a medical doctor or professional consultation. These are herbs and vitamins that I have used for years and would give to my children, myself or my mom - plus some more! However, if you have never had a complete cleanse you probably need that.
I know you love coffee and so do I, but everything is moderation is a great rule of thumb for a good balance. Also green tea have many medicinal properties for women and some brands found in Health Food stores and Krogers (like Yogi) are very powerful with properties for sleep, energy, stress. The green tea for energy is great for early morning to give you a natural occuring caffeine!
Let me know if this helps! I will follow up with further dialogue via email! My email is available for my visitors!
Mi casa, su casa. Make yourself at home!
Hey there!
Glad you got it fixed :) I can appreciate this site, as I have done some recent study on vitamins/minerals/herbals. The April 2 article showed up in a timely manner. I have incorporated a new practice into my regimen which could inadvertantly help "anonymous."
Been researching cancer for awhile now. Some of you from CITN or Bishop's blog site know that my dad has been battling lung cancer, and that I had my own recent breast scare, which (BLESS GOD) turned out to be fibrocystic breast condition. I got the 'official' word from a follow-up with my surgeon yesterday... no worries! Anyway, I've been using holistic methods of healthcare off and on for a number of years, and am living proof that vitamins/minerals/herbals can change your life!
Regarding the article, I've recently read several things about the importance of proper PH levels in the body. I'm sure that most people don't realize that our bodies are mostly acidic and become more so as we get older. So it's important to try to get those PH levels back where they should be. Europeans often incorporate the following practice as a potential cancer deterrant, so I thought, "What the heck... it makes sense to me!" First thing in the morning, before you have ANYTHING to eat, mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water (I use filtered refrigerated water), and drink. Don't eat anything for 30 minutes. This helps to level PH. Personally, I don't do this everyday, but perhaps 3-4 times a week. And it is easier for me since I no longer work outside the home. I say that because (in my body) this seems to work as a diuretic; I have to assume that it is cleaning out toxins, as I need to stay close to a bathroom for 30 minutes or so. So "anonymous," this could perhaps help you to 'cleanse' in a safe and very inexpensive way, if it effects your body the same way it does mine.
Also, regarding digestive enzymes... the practice of food combining can really help the digestive system. I'm not fanatical, and I like to eat certain things together, so I don't do this all the time either. But the science of properly combining foods really intrigued me, and made perfect sense. Just a few key points:
To prevent gas and bloating, FRUITS should always be eaten by themselves and on an empty stomach.
PROTEINS/FATS may be eaten together with vegetables, but NO CARBOHYDRATES.
OR... CARBOHYDRATES may be eaten with vegetables, but NO PROTEIN/FATS.
Reason being, it takes different digestive enzymes to break down proteins/fats versus carbohydrates. So, if one includes all of the above in a meal, then the various digestive enzymes do battle with each other, which makes digestion a much longer process; the digestive enzymes basically cancel each other out. In other words, what could be burned off as energy from a properly combined meal is likely to be stored as fat from an improperly combined meal.
And one more little teaser (which might be another comment for another day, if you'll allow me):
SUGAR in all of its forms appears to be much more of a trouble-maker than FAT! (This one is personally painful... I do love my sweets!)
Thanks for indulging me... thanks for a great site! Love your bodies, and be healthy!
LP, thanks again, what a awesome gift you are to the body. I will write more of the ph balance needed in our bodies very soon.
I love everything in between and the really nice flow going on here, and that is my prayer, that we truly will become a viable, functional, living body that is mighty in this earth, the sons and daughters, running with the words of life..How good it is for brethen to dwell together in unity.
Please feel free to write as much as you like and thank you, I pray a 100 fold blessing on you for your gift!
See today's articles y'all. LP gets a shout out!
In His love, vaughnevan
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