The body in action is when we are functioning appropriately and each joint of the body supplying the other joints of the body according to the New Testament. We are an example of the New Testament church in action, not just CITN but the other churches connecting. Bless the name of the Lord!
In the New International Version 2 Corinthians 9:12 says “This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.”
I believe that when you serve, bless, give to others it is an act of worship to God. I understand that this level of service is what is required of us to function properly in the body. Beloved, there are so many avenues we can use to be a blessing to others, sometimes it is as simple as listening to a problem, being instant in season to pray, interceding or standing in the gap, caring about an issue. It is not always monetary, it can be helping someone with their resume or helping someone pack or fixing a meal (or buying one) at the time of illness or death but mostly being sensitive to our sisters and brothers in the body. Let us serve each other knowing that in doing so, we are giving thanks to God.
13”Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else.” I hear the lyrics of one of Israel & New Breed song and in part that goes like this…Oh, that men will praise His name, will Praise His name ‘til the ends of the earth…And it is repeated…Oh, that men will praise His name, will Praise His name ‘til the ends of the earth…..REJOICE in the Lord always, and again I say, again I say REJOOOOOOICE!!!!!!
Have you ever noticed that when people pray for you they are thanking God for your obedience when you are in service to the Lord? I just keep hearing it; I thank God for your obedience. Well, I never understood until today that men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them. This is scripture and it is very cool, they are thanking you as you are thanking God through your acts or service. That is good news or the evangel, you are presenting your bodies as a living sacrifice and then to top it off, God is being blessed by your life and by your giving. Then in verse 14 and 15, Paul goes on to say God’s grace causes their prayers because of his indescribable gift! Giving is a gift and it is part of our service to the body.
14And in their prayers for you their hearts will go out to you, because of the surpassing grace God has given you. 15Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!
I can’t really tell you why the Holy Spirit is ministering this today to you but I do know that God is dealing with the body a very real way about service to Him and to the body, as you will see is reflected in my writings this week.
Ministry of the Week in Newton County is Solid Rock Baptist Church: This beautiful outreach is available for the residents in Newton County to come and get food at the pantry named Rockmart (a nice play on words) for a nominal donation of $8.00. There is food for those who have no money but the $8.00 will get you about a week’s supply of food for a family of 2 or 3. Also, there is a free medical clinic on Thursday between 6 pm or 8pm. What a blessing to the body. I met several very sweet people and Ann (volunteer) and I was able to pray and minister to each other. So, I believe the Holy Spirit is mending the churches in the unity of the body. WE are one church, one body, in one spirit...The full address and phone numbers are as follows;
Solid Rock Baptist Church
8111 Browns Bridge Road
Covington, Ga. 30014 Telephone: 404-516-0782 or 770-784-0982
LP in SC blessed us with a beautiful response on nutrition today and therefore, “nuff said”…on the health tip today. Thank you LP, what a blessing you are!
Peace and blessings,
Moment of Weakness
11 years ago
I am publishing LP in SC response to anonymous concerns about digestion. Lots of great information hear and very sound advice, I believe. LP did such a great job, my "yoke" was easier today. Many blessings to you, good news about your health, praise God!
Here is the email in it's entirety...
LP in SC to me
show details 11:23 AM on April 4, 2008
LP in SC has left a new comment on your post "The comment (no comment) section":
Hey there!
Glad you got it fixed :) I can appreciate this site, as I have done some recent study on vitamins/minerals/herbals. The April 2 article showed up in a timely manner. I have incorporated a new practice into my regimen which could inadvertantly help "anonymous."
Been researching cancer for awhile now. Some of you from CITN or Bishop's blog site know that my dad has been battling lung cancer, and that I had my own recent breast scare, which (BLESS GOD) turned out to be fibrocystic breast condition. I got the 'official' word from a follow-up with my surgeon yesterday... no worries! Anyway, I've been using holistic methods of healthcare off and on for a number of years, and am living proof that vitamins/minerals/herbals can change your life!
Regarding the article, I've recently read several things about the importance of proper PH levels in the body. I'm sure that most people don't realize that our bodies are mostly acidic and become more so as we get older. So it's important to try to get those PH levels back where they should be. Europeans often incorporate the following practice as a potential cancer deterrant, so I thought, "What the heck... it makes sense to me!" First thing in the morning, before you have ANYTHING to eat, mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water (I use filtered refrigerated water), and drink. Don't eat anything for 30 minutes. This helps to level PH. Personally, I don't do this everyday, but perhaps 3-4 times a week. And it is easier for me since I no longer work outside the home. I say that because (in my body) this seems to work as a diuretic; I have to assume that it is cleaning out toxins, as I need to stay close to a bathroom for 30 minutes or so. So "anonymous," this could perhaps help you to 'cleanse' in a safe and very inexpensive way, if it effects your body the same way it does mine.
Also, regarding digestive enzymes... the practice of food combining can really help the digestive system. I'm not fanatical, and I like to eat certain things together, so I don't do this all the time either. But the science of properly combining foods really intrigued me, and made perfect sense. Just a few key points:
To prevent gas and bloating, FRUITS should always be eaten by themselves and on an empty stomach.
PROTEINS/FATS may be eaten together with vegetables, but NO CARBOHYDRATES.
OR... CARBOHYDRATES may be eaten with vegetables, but NO PROTEIN/FATS.
Reason being, it takes different digestive enzymes to break down proteins/fats versus carbohydrates. So, if one includes all of the above in a meal, then the various digestive enzymes do battle with each other, which makes digestion a much longer process; the digestive enzymes basically cancel each other out. In other words, what could be burned off as energy from a properly combined meal is likely to be stored as fat from an improperly combined meal.
And one more little teaser (which might be another comment for another day, if you'll allow me):
SUGAR in all of its forms appears to be much more of a trouble-maker than FAT! (This one is personally painful... I do love my sweets!)
Thanks for indulging me... thanks for a great site! Love your bodies, and be healthy!
Hi Vaughevan,
Love reading your uplifting encouraging writings. I believe that we can make the world a better place one person at a time as we let God's light shine through us. Each one of us has a purpose and each day is a new opportunity to serve and fulfill that purpose. Sometimes just saying a kind word, giving someone a smile, calling an old friend, telling those in our lives how important they are, being positive at work and on and on makes the difference to someone who is lonely and hurting and desperately needs human touch. We are the extesnion of God and the light for the world.
P.S. To be treated at the Willing Helpers Clinic in Covington, you need to call first for an appointment from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. They provide help for those with diabetes, hypertension, and general medical conditions and use volunteer doctors from the area. I have a list of other free clinics that service Monroe, McDonough and Conyers that I will post for you Vaughn to help those in the area.
Glad it helped!
Good evening LP in SC, I decided to rest on the 7th day from posting and God saw that this is good.
I have been studying more and preparing for other articles that you inspired. The ph balance in our bodies is extremely important and too much acid can cause very serious medical problems so that is a forthcoming article, as stated earlier. I will try the baking soda advice, it looks like it could work. I just need to read a little more about it but thanks.
Thank you overcomer for that timely heads up about the free clinic in Covington. The resources you mentioned for the other counties will be welcomed with open arms. I receive those blessings for the body. 100 fold return bacatcha.
There is a woman at CITN who is doing some awesome work championing the cause for the uninsured, some of her clients are dying while waiting for social security disability and your additions to the free clinics could very possibly save lives.
I agree with you, this is a great example of us lighting and salting our part of the earth.
I thank God for you!
Many blessings to you both!
There is so much great information here. This "site" is very inspiring and informative! keep up the excellent work! We look forward to more great stuff posted here. May GOD bless you richly and multiply the many seeds that you sow that there shall be nothing missing or broken in your life, and your efforts overflow to the full and run over in other's lives. Amen.
Thanks, Scribe38. You are a blessing to receive it and I appreciate all of your thoughtful comments and goodwill.
May the blessings of the Lord overtake you!
In His Service, vaughevan
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